hai phongの例文


  1. hai duong province was a province , which has hai phong port as its center and the hai phong port was designated as a port opened under the second treaty of saigon .
  2. hai duong province was a province , which has hai phong port as its center and the hai phong port was designated as a port opened under the second treaty of saigon .
  3. in addition , at customs stations opened in hai phong and other region around vietnam , europeans served as commissioners of customs , head of custom station and vietnamese , but there were conflicts frequently between europeans and vietnamese .


  1. "hahnemannian"の例文
  2. "hahnemannism"の例文
  3. "hahnium"の例文
  4. "hai"の例文
  5. "hai duong"の例文
  6. "hai phong (city in vietnam)"の例文
  7. "hai-duong"の例文
  8. "hai-phong"の例文
  9. "haia"の例文
  10. "hai"の例文
  11. "hai duong"の例文
  12. "hai phong (city in vietnam)"の例文
  13. "hai-duong"の例文

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